Cleaning the beaches of Le Touquet

Casino Barrière Le Touquet employees have helped to raise awareness of environmental issues among school children by holding a beach clean-up.

Proud of the natural heritage surrounding Casino Barrière Le Touquet, the establishment's employees wanted to raise awareness of environmental issues amongst school children by organising a beach clean-up operation in partnership with the local council teams.

Ecology – it's child's play 

In June 2015 during Sustainable Development week, children, employees and members of the local council headed to the seaside. But they didn't take the bus; instead they travelled on foot, joined by two special sidekicks: Pepito and Cadichon the donkeys. In addition to forming part of a carbon-neutral approach, this mode of transport proved a great source of excitement for the children, who threw themselves wholeheartedly into cleaning the beach. As they helped to collect rubbish, the adults explained how to sort recyclable waste from general waste.

To spread awareness among the children, this educational experience was followed by a discussion, led by the biodiversity representative from the Le Touquet local authority, about the effects of pollution and the need to protect the environment.

Responsible employer

By providing employees with guidance and highlighting their talents, Barrière is committed to being a responsible employer. The aim? To improve company life.

Using olive stones for fuel

The Hôtel & Ryads Barrière Le Naoura Marrakech has developed an innovative solution: installing a biomass boiler fuelled by olive stones.

Bees are abuzz at Barrière

Barrière is committed to preserving biodiversity. Beehives have flourished on the roofs of its establishments, providing different varieties of local honey.