Bottle cap collection: raising tonnes for charity

For 2 years now, visitors to Casinos Barrière have been contributing to the Group’s involvement with the Bouchons d’Amour association.

For the past two years, Casino Barrière guests have been making every effort to reach an ambitious goal: to collect plastic caps to help raise funds for equipment used by people with disabilities. This initiative aims to support the Barrière's chosen charity, Bouchons d’Amour.

Launched in 2015, the first collection took place during Sustainable Development week. Participants had to fill specially created biodegradable corn starch bags with plastic bottle caps. Casinos Barrière were then entrusted with their collection, offering a game voucher worth €1 for every bag filled. For every 6,000 caps, the association can buy a wheelchair.


Solidarity and commitment

But how could Barrière collect even more caps? By involving all of the casinos. By way of a friendly competition, the establishment to collect the most caps raffles off an electric saloon car at an event bringing together all the local contributors.

With this challenge, Barrière is adding a new dimension to its more than decade-long involvement in the Bouchons d’Amour association. Now open to all its guests, this partnership originally involved the Barrière's employees.  

Bees are abuzz at Barrière

Barrière is committed to preserving biodiversity. Beehives have flourished on the roofs of its establishments, providing different varieties of local honey.

Barrière commits to UNISOAP

Over 2 million children die every year from diseases related to a lack of hygiene in developing countries.

Barrière launches fundraising campaign in aid of the ‘Comme les Autres’ association

Barrière launches a fundraising campaign in support of the Comme les Autres association.